Sunday, October 15, 2017

Squagg the Krabulent

When he was born, Squagg was taken into the wastes and left to die.  His face was malformed and in place of arms, he had adorable baby crab legs.  If the gods were merciful, his story would have ended there.

Squagg was found by a family of nomads and taken in as one of their own.  Despite their show of mercy towards him, he was destined for great evil, and no amount of love or kindness would ever change that.  As he grew, his many claws grew strong, and his body grew more and more deformed with each passing year, yet the nomads loved him all the more for his unique beauty and strength in the face of adversity.

On the eve of his 13th birthday, he became overwhelmed by an insatiable hunger.  One by one, he hunted his mother, his father, his brothers, his sisters, and even the family elders.  When he had finished consuming his entire adoptive family, he scuttled off in search of more feasts.

Among the Shepherds of Rot, it is unclear whether he is shepherd or beast, but perhaps he dwells somewhere in between.  He seldom speaks, and roams far afield when camp is set, preferring to sleep in holes in the ground.  But none question his dedication to the Grandfather Nurgle, for he wears his blessings more proudly than most.


  1. Love your write-up! Question: the 40k War Scrolls: are they for straight-up/standard W40k or are they intended to be used outside of the base game? I've always been hesitant to try W40k due to my perception that it was a lot of fuss for little joy, but the War Scrolls you've generated suggest otherwise...

    1. They're for use with the Age of Sigmar Rules, no modifications necessary (you can find them on GWs web-page). I've also added an optional page of supplemental rules, "Age of 40k", that ports in some popular mechanics from 40k that people might otherwise miss.

  2. Nice! I look forward to seeing more fiction!

    1. I'm glad you like it. I decided to take a page from your book.
