Wednesday, August 2, 2017

War for Eucebium

Since there is no Age of Sigmar summer campaign from GW this year, I have designed a summer campaign for my local group.  It's really easy to participate, and will hopefully encourage people to play different types of battles, as well as give context to some fun narrative games.

I think that this would be really easy to adapt for any setting, and has a fair bit of design space to it as well as room to add your own tweaks.

I've created five locations since there are 4 Grand Alliances, it should create a comfortable instability on the map, where each Grand Alliance has the opportunity to control something, but it will always be in flux.  Also, because each territory has a different type of battle that contributes to conquering it, different players will be more likely to compete in different territories.

Because of the reporting mechanism (marking Conquests after you battle) it doesn't require any sort of formal campaign meeting.  You'll also notice that I've made the number of Conquests awarded for each battle line up exactly with the Glory rewards in Path to Glory, this was intentional so that people can have as easy a time as possible remembering what's what.

I plan on using it to grant bonuses (or perhaps special victory conditions or something) to the reigning Grand Alliance at each of our monthly AoS Game Days for the remainder of 2017.  After that, we'll see what happens.

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