I've completed the Tau warscroll compendium and it's now available here. I already kinda' showed off some of my favorites as I was working on them, so this time I'll just talk about a mechanic that I worked up for the Tau. Namely, Gun Drones.
Gun drones were the biggest issue for me in creating this compendium as they are a "mixed unit" situation, which Age of Sigmar not only doesn't handle very well, but really doesn't handle at all. I first considered making them into tokens that were attached to units but didn't have stats or anything of their own. This was foiled by the Gun Drones unit option, which has always been near and dear to my heart just like every other terrible unit (I assume they're terrible in 40k, I really have no idea though).
After deciding they would be real models, I started working out rules for Gun, Shield, and Missile Drones. Then I got to the Pathfinder unit and discovered that they had three more types of drones I had no interest in digging into. At this point I took a step back. I was working on at minimum six different types of drones that would have to follow some kind of mixed unit rule that would have to appear on a warscroll somewhere. This was not good Age of Sigmar rules design. So I reassessed.
I went back to the beginning and asked myself what it was important for drones to do: shoot, support other units, coordinate with other units. And so, here we have a warscroll that does those things. I gave them a weapon, a Sensor Array to support your other units in an appropriate way, and the Attached Drones rule so that you don't get punished for deploying a unit of two drones with every one of your units.
I figured I'd also showcase the related Firesight Marksman. He's the schmuck who normally stands around next to sniper drones. But since there's no such thing as sniper drones, he just turns regular drones into sniper drones. I modeled him vaguely after the Orc Bully.
These Warscrolls look great! I'm trying to do some custom Warscrolls for a counts-as Ogres army, do you have an template or something you would be willing to put up for download somewhere?