Friday, January 6, 2017

Kaldor Draigo and the Grey Knights

A commenter requested Kaldor Draigo, and while I don't generally intend to do special characters (I figure they can easily just be fancier models for the run-of-the-mill heroes), I am happy to oblige when people ask specifically.  So here he is in all his glory...

He is designed with the basic idea of being over the top, and being an exciting match-up for a Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon.  He isn't currently in the Grey Knights battletome, and so doesn't really have a matched play profile.  However, if he was, I'd give him a points cost of around 200-300 points.

While I was monkeying around with Grey Knights anyhow, I realized they were desirous of their own battle traits since they aren't well served by the 'first founding' theme of the Imperium Astartes battle traits.  So now they have their own fancy trait, "psychic brotherhood".

Psychic Brotherhood is cool because while it gives all of your guys the ability to cast Shield and Bolt (which honestly may be way too OP), it has the awesome side-effect of summoning daemons for you to fight!

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