Saturday, November 23, 2019

Twelve Days of Sigmarisnacht

Hey Everybody! I'm running my first Global Narrative Event, Twelve Days of Sigmarisnacht (December 1 - December 12). It's really easy to participate, all you need to do is find a friend, play this battleplan (you might want to get them a gift), and report your results here.
You can also follow the Sigmarisnacht Facebook page for updates and information about this and future Sigmarisnacht events!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Narrative Toolbox 1: Storygaming

I have been running monthly narrative Age of Sigmar events for the past 3 years (just by counting the battleplans in my campaign books, I have planned and run at least 30 Game Day events).  This is the first part of a narrative toolbox for other NEOs to draw from to hopefully learn from my experiences and further build the technology of narrative event design.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dadhammer Junior!

So I got my kiddo the First Strike starter when he was about 4, and we've been playing some super-simplified 40k now and again.  Now that he's a little older, I felt like he needed a bit more structure, and something that he could read and reference for himself (rather than just doing whatever I said "the rules" were).  So I devised... DADHAMMER 40,000!