Hey Everybody! I'm running my first Global Narrative Event, Twelve Days of Sigmarisnacht (December 1 - December 12). It's really easy to participate, all you need to do is find a friend, play
this battleplan (you might want to get them a gift), and report your results
You can also follow the
Sigmarisnacht Facebook page for updates and information about this and future Sigmarisnacht events!
Lord-Celestant Coregos stepped out into the icy morning air. The scent of sulfur wafted on the breeze, and he could hear the distinct clash of battle in the arena. In the sky he could see a fresh wave of gifts hurtling down from Azyr. He stepped forward and nearly tripped over the package at his feet. It read (written in something that looked suspiciously like blood) “To: Coregos… From: A Secret Benefactor”. I guess I need to get them a present too, he thought, so he hefted his mighty warhammer and headed to the arena.
…Who is Coregos’ secret benefactor? Will he defeat them in single combat? Play to find out! Your battles will determine what happens next!
Feel free to modify the battleplan to fit your favorite way to play! It should be pretty easy to massage it into Meeting Engagements, adjust the battlefield for a huge battle, turn it into a Triumph and Treachery showdown, or even modify it for WarCry.
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