Monday, October 3, 2016

Battletome: Imperium Astartes

Last Monday, I updated the Space Marine Warscroll Compendium to Battletome: Imperium Astartes.  Now they have Battle Traits, Artefacts, Command Traits, and access to the Librarius Discipline.

The most important Imperium Astartes Battle Trait is of course Chapter Tactics.  You get to choose one of the first founding legions to align your army with.  This conveniently allows you to take units from the Fenryka (Space Wolves) and Sanguine Astartes (Blood Angels) and combine them with regular Astartes units while still getting the benefits of your characters' command abilities and whatnot.  I intend to eventually make allegiance abilities for each of the first founding chapters that have their own models, but that is currently really low on my list of priorities.

Last up are the Pitched Battle Profiles.  You may notice that Drop Pods are pretty pricey.  That's because as I've written them, they are pretty seriously awesome.  Also, even though Stormcast Eternals are Battleline, I decided to make Tactical Marines Battleline with Imperium Allegiance.  While Stormcast Eternals are willing to ally with any and everyone, I feel like Space Marines are somewhat more xenophobic, so I figured this would be a good expression of that fluff.  One of my plans for the future is to make Inquisition warscrolls with Inquisitors who have command abilities that affect all Imperium models, making them the leaders of the "Imperium" faction at large.  So Space Marines will be Battleline in that combined army as well.


  1. Awesome, simply awesome !!! I really appreciate this labor of love. points are very appreciated.

    1. Glad you're enjoying it. If you find any discrepancies with the points, please let me know.
