Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Larvulous, Gadfly of Nurgle

I've been inspired lately by this new "Aos28" movement.  I'm not sure this really qualifies for it, but looking at all these awesome conversions got my creative juices flowing.  I was looking for stuff I could convert into grim-dark weirdness, and I stumbled upon my old Skarsnik model (he's been very lonely ever since Gobbla became Wheelsquig, a mainstay of my Space Orks army).  I started playing around with Skarsnik and some nurgley bitz, and came up with this.

Since I was in the Aos28 mood, I was working from a conversion first mindset, so I started pondering what I might use it as.  I ended up settling on Epidemius (for large battles at least, probably not for warband games), because it seemed like the best representation for a Nurgle Daemon Hero with a pack of Nurglings.

I posted this picture on the AoS Facebook group because I wasn't very happy with the overall coloration.  They suggested that I needed more dark colors to break up the green.  So I painted Flybait's  robes purple and added more viscera and darkened it a bit.

Anyhow, here's Larvulous, Gadfly of Nurgle.  He is a Herald of Nurgle who roams the Hinterlands keeping count of his gruesome flock.  He'll probably be the start of my Nurgle warband (which will develop slowly as I get motivation and inspiration).

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