Monday, December 24, 2018

New Map of Efengie!

I found a new mapmaker!  It's called Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, and it's pretty cool.

So this one takes a little bit of getting used to, but it's a really great resource for anybody doing general world-building.  This map-building tool creates continental maps as its baseline, but they are so high resolution that you can zoom in to get very nice maps of smallish regions.

It procedurally generates all of the names of nations, cities, and towns based on "cultures" that you can choose from.  You can change the names after generating your map if you like, so on my map, Kytos is a procedurally generated name that I liked, and so kept, but I renamed the nations of Trolgotha, Lamellia, and Eucebium.  

Since I wanted to grow the region of Eucebium from a pre-existing map, I massaged the topography a bit at the southwest point so that Mt. Koula and the Vale of Efengie would be more clearly defined.  This map-maker has a ton of options ranging from re-coloring to topography to choosing the amount of rainfall present in your region.  For example, with a little tweaking I turned that map into this:

Here's the old map (although not the oldest map) so you can see what I'm trying to sort of match.

Anyhow, I've used this cool procedural map-maker to create a new zoomed out map of the region.  We've got some new neighboring nations that should fuel additional story as we forge ahead into the second edition of Age of Sigmar.  The nations of Kytos and Lamellia are at war and are attempting to drag the newly stabilized Eucebium into the conflict.  In the upcoming Game Day, players will get to rep Kytos, Lamellia, or Eucebium and get a small bonus.

After reading the fluff in the new rulebook, I imagine these nations to be made of up "regular" schmoes (not controlled by epic grand-alliance based armies).  We know a lot about the history of Eucebium of course, and it is far from having a simple alignment.  If anything, I'd say that it's currently governed by a fairly stable alliance between Destruction and Order, but that it harbors some bastions of Chaos and Death in the Geistwald and the Ruins of Hammerstadt.  Instead of trying to align the nations, I'm trying to give them some regional character.  For example, in the upcoming Game Day, players representing Eucebium will get +1 to Casting rolls, while players representing Kytos will get +1 to Charge rolls, and players representing Lamellia will get a bonus Command Point.

Eucebium is a magic-rich region.  It has magical winds blowing through the Vale of Efengie, a massive road leading all the way to Azyr, and a city destroyed by Nurgle himself.

I imagine Lamellia to be a good homeland for our multitude of Seraphon players.  It is a proper stable nation, but in the mountains of Karak Uzgul is a necromantic locus where once a mighty duardin kingdom stood.  It is otherwise a vibrant and jungle-covered land ruled by wise and ancient heroes.

Kytos on the other hand is a harsh kingdom ruled by barbarians.  It has intermittently been overtaken by worship of Khorne at various points in the past (especially during the Age of Chaos), but it is populated by all manner of people.

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