Tuesday, January 1, 2019

40k Warscrolls: Speed Freekz

Space Orkz got a bunch of exciting new models recently, so I figured it was time to update the Space Orkz battletome!  Speed Freekz are now a sub-faction of Space Orkz.  They've got their own leader in the Deffkilla' Wartrike, six battleline units (Warbuggies, Warbikerz, and all the new buggies), and can also bring Battlewagons.

The four new buggies were a lot of fun to re-interpret for Age of Sigmar, largely because they are just a lot of fun in general.  For the 40k warscrolls, I've been mostly comparing vehicles to war machines in AoS.  Because most vehicles sit back and shoot, they basically amount to highly mobile artillery.  So instead of looking at damage output per wound like I do with most units, I look at net damage output so that they don't come out being way too overpowering.

One way in which my AoS warscrolls diverge heavily from 8th edition 40k is that while they gave vehicles melee attacks in the form of treads or deff rollas or spinning blades, I opted to forego melee attacks for vehicles and instead make all of their melee accouterments into special rules.  So the drills, spinning blades, and so forth all became special rules that affect melee.


My favorite two are the Megatrakk Scrapjet and the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy.  I cooked up the Flight of the Scrapjet ability inspired by the flightless plane in GTA Vice City.  I imagined that the mekboyz were trying to build a plane, and it just didn't work out, so maybe it can fly sometimes if they try really hard.  I think that it will be a versatile unit because it can surprise the enemy and fly over intervening terrain or units to hit something with its drill impact hits.


The Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy also got a lot of imagination poured into it.  At first I considered giving it a melee attack, but then decided that it should instead spill out squigs as they escape or whatnot.  So Loose Squigs was born out of that fluff idea.  The 40k unit has a bunch of different squig flinging weapons, but I thought that in AoS, that might be better translated into a modal weapon, so whenever you chuck squigs, you get to choose a breed.

You'll notice in the pitched battle profiles that some of the units are yet to come!  I've been meaning to make warscrolls for the Ork flyers for a while now, and this seems like an opportune time, so stay posted for flyers.  Once I've finished the flyers, I'll update the pdf in the downloads page.  Until then, if you have any thoughts about the Ork warscrolls, post them in the comments and I'll try to incorporate your thoughts.  Enjoy!

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