Thursday, July 25, 2019

AoS Game Day: The Treasure of Thindrongol Nuk

For something completely different, in July we had a skirmish(ish) Game Day.
"When the Necroquake rocked Efengie, it disrupted the Penumbral Engine concealing one of Sigmar’s Stormvaults; a sprawling subterranean duardin labyrinth with a single inscription over its gateway, “Thindrongol Nuk”.  A few days ago, a bandit hiding out in the Painted Spires stumbled upon the vault.  Although she returned to Reaper with the intention of gathering a crew, word travels fast in Efengie."

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Throwback Thursday: inq28

I've lately been really inspired by all of the great blanchitsu, inq28, and aos28 stuff I see online.  I love making bizarre conversions, and am trying to broaden my horizons with regard to painting styles, so it's fun to see what other people are doing.  However, I'm actually no newcomer to inq28.  I bought the Inquisitor rulebook when it came out (I was a high school freshman) and played a fair bit of it with my brother.  I also had the Daemon Hunters and Witch Hunters army books and was inspired by the conversions sections in the back of them.

Anyhow, I dug out some of my old warband models and got photos of them!  They're not great, I was like... 16, but it's kind of fun to see what i was up to all the way back then.

This first picture is of Inquisitor Heep (a play on Uriah Jacobus), a weird servitor thing I made, a Necromunda ganger, and a zealot.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Shadespire: Slaugrik's Exiles

Slaugrik detested this place.  It disgusted him and left him unsettled.  A city of death went against everything the new god stood for.  It was static and cold, rather than caught in an endless cycle of death and rebith.  He never thought he would, but tonight, he wished for the corrosive skies of his homeport, Barak Thag.