We had an odd number of players (five, up one from last month!), so rather than having a buy we had one of the battles in the first round be a two on one match. The Ogor and Orruk inhabitants of the Vale ended up siding with Order, so the two player team was an army of Ogors combined with Seraphon, and a small contingent of Fyreslayers.
We decided that the team would get 30 models between them, one of which would be the general. Also, since we had special rules for the battleplan, we decided that only one model in the entire combined army would wield a Titan-Forged Weapon.
Round 1
Ogors with Seraphon and Fyreslayers vs. Beastmen
While the Beastmen were severely outmatched by Order and their allies, they managed to survive the battle and maintain control of their section of the fort. The battle came down to the survival of a single Gorghon who was appropriately engaged with the Doomseeker from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. Apparently the Doomseeker was not prepared to emulate the slayers of old.
Ironjawz vs. Hosts of Slaanesh
On the other side of the monstrous Fort S'nak, roughly even contingents of Ironjawz and Slaanesh devotees battled for control of the gates. The Hosts of Slaanesh were victorious here with support from some Legion of Azorgh artillery.
Round 2
Ironjawz vs. Beastmen
The Ironjawz, this time with a Maw Krusha at the helm, thoroughly stomped the Beastmen army. There was one turn when the Maw Krusha was buffed by the Battering Ram command ability and charged into a building full of Gors; so in addition to its normal impact hits, it also inflicted D6 mortal wounds on the unit.
Seraphon vs. Hosts of Slaanesh
This time, the Hosts of Slaanesh were led by an old school (horse riding) Archaon wielding a Titan-Forged Weapon. The Seraphon army consisted of three dinosaurs (Engine of the Gods, Stegadon, and Bastilodon) and a Slaan (in addition to a few other stray units). In addition to the armies being somewhat bombastic, the Seraphon foolishly set up around a mystical building which worked about as poorly as you can possibly imagine. So it was basically a bloodbath.
So with three of the four battles going to Chaos, the Fort fell to the dark gods leaving the Vale open for a more substantive assault. Here's the revised battleplan (with a few things fixed post-event) along with a fluff piece about the most important combat of the afternoon.
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