Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Flames of Penitence

Having recently acquired Nightvault, I've got a new warband up and running!  I've made a Dark Age of Sigmar inspired conversion of Averon's Cursebreakers.

The conversion was actually pretty easy, I didn't even use any greenstuff.  The flaming sword and torch came from the Battlemage kit, while all the scrolls, chains, flails, and flaming head came from the Flagellants kit.

I knew from the start that I wanted Rastus' sword to be flaming (since he has a "Charged" sword) and Ammis' staff to be flaming (for the same reason).  I initially planned on giving Averon the flaming flagellant head, but decided not to because I didn't want to add any flesh to the mix.  Because of that, I ended up putting the flamehead top onto a stormcast helmet (I think it was Obryn's head from the Shadespire starter).  Because I was switching out Ammis' staff, I figured I'd better do something about Rastus and Averon's, so I replaced the staff heads with flagellant flails.

The paint job was very experimental, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.  I started by drybrushing browns (Rhinox Hide, Steel Legion Drab, and Karak Stone) with some Screaming Skull on the scrolls and skulls, and then highlighted the metal with Leadbelcher.  I then washed the metal with Agrax Earthshade.

The flames are Yriel Yellow, Trollslayer Orange, and Wild Rider Red.  For the lighting, I just strategically drybrushed the Orange and Yellow.

I actually painted these guys to "match" some AoS28 freeguild I'm working on, so they may end up leading a skirmish warband in the future.

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